Registrations have just opened for the TRI Principles of Skin Measurement Science and Claims course that will take place this year on 11th and 12th September. This year the course will run as a hybrid event. Attendees can join in person at TRI, or online. Book now if you wish to attend in person, as places are limited.
The Principles of Skin Measurement Science & Claims course at TRI is designed for anyone involved in the development of new skin care products. The intensive two-day programme is designed for anyone who needs to build their knowledge rapidly in the measurement techniques used in the development of new skin products and to support skin claims. The course will include:
Session 1 - An Introduction to Skin and Skin Testing
Session 2 - Skin Testing Methods Available from the Skin & Biosubstrates Team at TRI
Session 3 - The Latest Developments in Skin Testing Methods
Laboratory demos (skin moisture testing, FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, facial imaging methods, microscopy of skin sections, and skin mechanical testing)
Registration for attending both days in-person costs $325.00, with an Early-Bird price of $300.00 up until Friday 9th August. In person attendees will be to able attend all the lectures in the TRI Seminar Room, join in an evening social event in the TRI, and participate in laboratory demos of skin testing methods. Places are strictly limited to 30 people, so please book early to secure your place.
Online registration costs $250, with an Early-Bird discount price of $225 up until Friday 9th August. Those online will be able to watch the lectures (live and on playback), participate in the Q&A after each lecture, and join Kahoot! quizzes to test their new skin testing knowledge.
TRI Member companies have free places on our courses as part of the membership benefits. Please take a look at the course registration website to see how to apply for your free places.
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