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Happy Birthday TRI!

This year we celebrate TRI Princeton’s 90th birthday

It was on June 11th, 1930 that the US Senate passed Bill #327 demanding that we create an Institute to study Textiles, and up rose the new Textile Research Institute. Its mission, to research, educate and disseminate scientific information on textiles. Indeed, a copy of this Bill, signed by President Herbert Hoover himself (along with the pen he used to sign it!), still sits on the walls of the offices today.

With such a “royal” charter, Textile Research Institute Inc. started life investigating cotton and wool for clothing and created much that helped civilian and military garment design and manufacture throughout many decades.  It also became heavily involved into the growing industry of man-made fibers, made with home spun synthetic polymers.  Eventually the textile industry left USA and found other quarters in the Far East leaving the Textile Research Institute Inc. seeking another sector. It was then that the Institute began to focus on cosmetics through the study of hair properties and hair products. 

As the cosmetic market has grown year on year, TRI Princeton has grown too, and even launched into scalp and skin research through its spectroscopy work.  Today, TRI Princeton is a hallmark of quality in cosmetic science. We have over 20 Member companies, from all over the world, who gain full advantage of the research and claims testing we perform. Despite now having a modern, diverse and multinational team of scientists, TRI Princeton still retains that old-fashioned quality of professional service and support, and we plan to continue this into our upcoming 10th decade!



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