David Graham
President & Trustee
Graduated with 1st BSc in Maths & Physics from Hull University, UK, I started my career with Unilever Research, Biophysics Division, Welwyn, UK, studying conduction & photoconduction of carotenoid crystals to mimic the eye. Later, I studied ion/solute transport properties across phospholipid bilayers before studying for an MSc in Biophysics at East Anglia University, UK. Here I realized the importance of proteins at in membrane transport mechanisms and without any recognised understanding for how they configured at interfaces, I studied “Proteins at Interfaces” as a thesis for my PhD in Colloid Chemistry at Imperial College of Science, Engineering & Medicine with Prof Joseph Kitchener. Having published a series of 6 publications defining “the adsorption of proteins at interfaces”, I then joined BP Research & Development, Sunbury-on-Thames, UK.
I worked with BP for some 20+ years, progressing to ‘Principal Research Associate’ and ‘Director Colloid Science Department’. Having recruited and developed a strong colloid & engineering team, we had responsibility for BP’s global offshore top side crude production and water handling processes. Later, I developed the crude oil fuel known as TransOil & Orimulsion for Petroleus de Venezuela SA (now a PDVSA operating company called BITOR).
Leaving BP in 1993, I moved back to Unilever, Colworth House, Bedford, UK as Director Ice Cream Department developing products Magnum and Solero Bars using the same technologies as with crude oil but now in edible ice creams. As Technical Director of Wolstenholme Rink Ltd, Darwen, UK I was responsible for the development and manufacturing of “ gold printing inks” for packaging premium grade products. Thereafter, I was recruited by ISP (Europe) Ltd., as Technical Director before being seconded to ISP Inc., Wayne NJ to develop the new business Performance Products in Oil & Gas sector, detergents, printing inks and others.
After short period with Lubrizol as Global Commercial Development Director, I was recruited to drive a 13 angel investor startup Company “Captur Technologies LLC”. We started from an idea with no product and created a virtual team that developed and installed a commercial process, the first, and only, company in USA to treat polluted cement kiln dust leachate and achieve <1.3ppt mercury for direct discharge into the Great Lakes with approval from Federal/State EPA and the Bipartite Agreement USA/Canada. Recently, founded and manage “Waste Water Processes LLC.”, (WWP), a new company by (a) treating mercury in coal fired power stations rundown waters and (b) reuse of recovered fracking fluids in shale crude production.
Whilst with WWP, I was invited to join the TRI Board of Trustees under Chairman Dr. Kurt Adams and in 2014 voted Chairman of the Board; recently at the request, and with Board approval, assumed the Presidency of the TRI Princeton Institute to help motivate and create the rebirth of the Institute. This is a task made easier by the full support from the existing (and new) Board members who are in phase with the Institute and are using their wealth of experiences to create opportunities for the Institute to prosper and grow in Hair, Textiles/Fibres and Skin/Teeth. TRI Princeton is the premier company in testing and evaluating claims for global Hair products and is expanding its skills with new research and process techniques to offer the growth and rebirth of the name TRI Princeton.