Moisture Retention
Lip Hydration
Using either a corneometer or ATR-FTIR spectroscopy means that data can be collected quickly and easily. As the test is non-invasive, human subjects can be used, and direct measurement of moisture levels in the stratum corneum can be collected after different treatment regimens.
The Corneometer CM820 (Courage & Khazaka) measures the electrical capacitance of the uppermost layers of the skin providing rapid measurements of skin hydration that are unaffected by occlusion effects. Unlike spectroscopy, which measures water levels directly and semi-quantitatively, the corneometer is sensitive to interference from electrolytes in the skin and only produces data on an arbitrary scale. However, the low cost, speed, and simplicity of this test mean that it is very widely used in pre-clinical and clinical studies.
ATR-FTIR spectroscopy allows quantification of skin hydration through monitoring of key absorbance peaks. In addition, changes in skin hydration through the stratum corneum (SC) can also be monitored.