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Lips Claims Testing


While we often consider our skin as a uniform organ, it varies significantly across the body. The skin on our lips, for instance, is incredibly distinctive; it’s thinner than skin on other body parts, and lips have fewer sebaceous and sweat glands. Claims testing for lip care products therefore needs to take into consideration these key differences. The team at TRI Princeton can address claims including lip hydration, skin tone, lipstick shade as well as evaluation of the physical properties of cosmetic items including hardness and adhesiveness.

Moisture Retention
Lip Hydration

In some instances, products are specifically designed to be hydrating, for example lip balms or lipsticks. In these cases, proving the degree of hydration provided by a particular product or material can be key to a marketing campaign.

Fats and Waxes Behavior
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) unlocks the secret of lip care products’ thermal behavior. This thermoanalytical technique measures how a material's heat capacity alters with temperature, shedding light on a product’s melting characteristics.

Texture Analysis
Color Transfer

Transfer testing can be used to provide insights into a lip product’s performance and wearability, which are common claims for lip care cosmetic items.

Texture Analysis

Tribology, or the science of interacting surfaces in relative motion, is a study into the friction, wear and lubrication of a particular product with another surface. In terms of lip care products, this is the friction between the product and the lip experienced by the user during application. Too high a friction coefficient and the user may feel like the product is draggy or abrasive, whereas a lower coefficient of friction may feel pleasant and luxurious.

Texture Analysis
Hardness and Adhesiveness

Measuring the hardness and adhesiveness of a lip care product can provide valuable insight into competitor products, different formulations and lipstick behaviors after different environmental stresses, for example under heat or cold. For example, a lipstick that is too firm may result in a difficult application process, or a lip gloss that is too adhesive may feel heavy or sticky.

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